Jonah Feintuck's profile

Fall 2017 Sculpture (Undergraduate Thesis)

Fall 2017 Sculpture (Undergraduate Thesis)
"Brutal Composition"
Deconstructed pallet, wire, duct tape, rusted metal, jute twine, plastic fragments

"Black Composition"
Reconstructed metal and spray paint

"Black Composition"
Reconstructed metal, spray paint, tape, wire

"The Wretched Design (Humanity)"
Book page, broken ceramic, broken ruler, broken shower rod, car part fragments, cardboard, colored pencil, drive thru sign fragment, electric guitar necks, fishing line, found CD, found bent rebar, found drinking cup, found frayed plastic, found metal, found phone case, found styrofoam, found wood, hot glue, hubcap fragment, jute, jute twine, manila envelope, nails, paper rolls, pen, pencil, plastic fruit container, polyurethane, railroad spikes, rubber tire fragment, rusted metal, screws, smashed spray paint cans, spray paint, sticks, tape, tie, wire
"The Wretched Design (Humanity)"
Book page, broken ceramic, broken shower rod, car part fragments, cardboard, colored pencil, electric guitar necks, fishing line, found CD, found bent rebar, found drinking cup, found frayed plastic, found metal, found phone case, found styrofoam, found wood, hot glue, hubcap fragment, jute, jute twine, manila envelope, nails, pen, pencil, polyurethane, railroad spikes, rubber tire fragment, rusted metal, screws, smashed spray paint cans, spray paint, sticks, tape, tie, wire

"Brutal Composition"
Polyurethane, found book, found metal, rusted metal, fishing line, wood

"Untitled (Study)"
Cardboard and paper mache
"Untitled (Study)" 
Cardboard, paper mache, styrofoam
Polyurethane, found frayed plastic, found plaster, nails, plastic fragments, unfired clay, wood

"Black Composition"
Fired clay, glaze, polyurethane, spray paint

"Untitled (Study)"

"Untitled (Study)"
"Untitled (Lust)"
Cardboard, correction fluid, spray paint, found sunglasses, found styrofoam, sticks, found wood, plastic fragments, railroad spikes

"Untitled (Lust)"
Cardboard, correction fluid, spray paint, found sunglasses, found styrofoam, sticks, found wood, plastic fragments, railroad spikes

"Untitled (Horror)"
Spray paint, p
olyurethane, and tape on found frayed plastic

"Untitled (Horror)"
Spray paint, p
olyurethane, and tape on found frayed plastic

"Untitled (Study)"
Fall 2017 Sculpture (Undergraduate Thesis)

Fall 2017 Sculpture (Undergraduate Thesis)

All of the sculptures that I created in the Fall of 2017 for my undergraduate senior thesis. The sculptures are primarily made out of found objec Read More
